Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ginger (Cinder Cat)

 Ginger is pictured here in the box. She came from the Humane Society.
She was about 2 years old when we adopted her. Now, she's about 9 years old.
  She's never played with toys. Every once in awhile she chases or gets chased by an invisible friend or enemy.
We're not sure which it is. Once when she was doing this, she would run through the house and jump on the back of the couch. After doing this about a dozen times, she miscalculated and fell off the back of the couch. After staying back there for about 10 minutes, she came back out really slow, and looking all around. I swear it looked like she was saying,"you didn't see anything". Looked at me, meowed, flicked tail  ,and walked on by us. Went to her food bowl and just started eating. Wanted me to forget what had just happened. Only thing hurt on her was her pride. I laughed so hard.  She doesn't jump on the couch any more when playing with her imaginary friend.
 She does LOVE cat nip though. She rolls in it, purrs, slobbers like a dog. Doesn't want it in a toy. Just give her plain ole cat nip. We have a cat house we just pour a little on it's floor and she just rolls around in it. If there's no cat nip in it, she doesn't bother going in. Rather have the old box.  Definitely a Cinder Cat! 
  She is fun to have around. 

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